Which Do I Buy: Bitcoin vs. Ethereum?
If you’ve heard about other coins than Ethereum, like Bitcoin, you may have asked yourself, “Should I buy Bitcoin or Ethereum?”
We can help you choose.
What Is Bitcoin?
Just like Ether, Bitcoin is a top cryptocurrency. It’s the first one ever released.
Satoshi Nakamoto, an anonymous person or group, created Bitcoin in 2009.
From the beginning, it was open-source, meaning everyone can see its code. Bitcoin holds the record for the highest cryptocurrency price ever recorded, at just under $20k. Since that crazy time, the price has dropped. It’s around $8.9k at the time of writing.
Price could tilt your answer to the Should I Buy Bitcoin or Ethereum dilemma to either side. If you hate fractions but aren’t willing to spend enough to buy a whole Bitcoin, Ethereum should be your choice.
What Are The Differences Between Bitcoin and Ethereum?
The biggest difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin is the purpose of the two coins.
Bitcoin was made to replace real money, while Ethereum was created to help people develop decentralized apps (dApps) with custom smart contracts.
Both blockchains generate cryptocurrency (Bitcoin and Ether) to compensate people who do the work to secure them.
While you can pay for stuff with Ether, the Ethereum blockchain was developed with different goals in mind.
Transaction speed is yet another difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin.
While Ethereum could handle 15 transactions per second (and Vitalik Buterin says that it may reach 1 million per second someday), Bitcoin is hovering around 7.
The Dilemma
When you ask yourself, “Should I buy Bitcoin or Ethereum”, consider these things to come up with an answer:
Bitcoin is for paying, Ethereum is for smart contract-fueled dApps.
Bitcoin is almost three times more expensive but also the most well-known cryptocurrency in the world.
Both aren’t very fast to move because of scalability problems.
Which use of blockchain technology attracts you more? Liberated currency or secure apps?
My answer to the “Should I buy Bitcoin or Ethereum” dilemma is the latter because I find smart contracts much more interesting. What about you?
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People compete to 'mine' bitcoins using computers to solve complex math puzzles. This is how bitcoins are created. Currently, a winner is rewarded with 12.5 bitcoins roughly every 10 minutes.